Tuesday 22 September 2015

Skin care routine for oily skin

Hello my darlings,

Do you struggle with enlarged pores, dull or shiny, thick complexion, blackheads, pimples or other blemishes? Then you are one of the many women with oily skin like me. Well, despite all these things we have a major advantage: oily skin totally camouflages fine lines and wrinkles and shows the sign of ageing at a much slower rate than any other type. Look younger for longer!
I would like to share with you a few skin care remedies for oily skin, and the great news, all are natural, you can make them at home using few ingredients that I am sure you have already in the kitchen.

The perfect recipe for a natural face wash. All you need is:

- one and a half tablespoon honey;
- one and a half tablespoon lemon;
- third cup oatmeal.
Blend the oatmeal, add the honey and the lemon, and mix them well. Your cleanser is ready!
Wash your face with warm water to open the pores, then use a small amount of your ,,natural cleanser,,.
Using a toner is important, especially for oily skin:
-it closes large pores on skin;
- dries out excessive oil from skin;
- maintains pH balance of the skin.
A simple recipe for a natural toner: mix water with white vinegar in equal proportion. Take a cotton pad, and wipe the face.


I know, like most of you, I used to think that using a moisturiser makes my oily skin worse or increase my acne. But moisturising the face is very important, even oily skin needs hydration.
A simple homemade moisturiser, all you need :
- lime - 2 to 3 tablespoon;- fresh milk;
- extra virgin olive oil - 2 to 3 tablespoon.
Take a cup and pour about a quarter cup of milk.
Take about 2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and mix it well with the milk.
Finally pour about 2 tablespoon of lime and stir it well, and your moisturiser is ready.
A very effective homemade beauty mask, takes little time to apply and will take away that excess oil. All you need is 1 large egg and 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice.
Separate your egg, and place the white in a ball. Add the fresh lemon juice and gently blend the two ingredients.
After you have washed and dried your face, rinse with warm water and apply the mask by dipping your fingers into the mixture and gently rubbing it all over. Leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes, you will know when it is finished because it will become a bit hard and completely dry. Rinse with warm water.

Hope you will find these information useful, and let me know if you have tried some of these ,,natural recipes,,. 


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